Thursday, June 28, 2007

Things that go bump in the night

Count them, not once but twice. That’s how many times Abby has ended up in our bed this week. Abby never sleeps with us, never. The first time was on Tuesday. She woke up having a bad dream, the forest was dark. Well yes honey the forest is dark at night. I settled her down and thought she was going to sleep. Well, she then called again. This time it was because her bed was making noise. Again, well honey if you didn’t sleep with 3 baby dolls, 12 stuffed animals and a blanket then maybe there would be enough room for you and you baby’s head wouldn’t have to knock into the wall. Marty took care of it that time. Then we hear her door open. We were very excited because we thought she was going to the bathroom on her own. She always calls us to take her to the bathroom in the middle of the night. We were wrong; she appeared in our room wanting to sleep with us. Hop on in honey. She did it again last night but it was because we had a pretty bad thunderstorm that woke her up. Ever since a thunderstorm snuck up on us while we were at the park, she has been terrified of thunder. Hop on in honey. Our bed gets pretty full with 2 adults, a dog and a child. I would love a king bed but our room just isn’t big enough. I love snuggling her but I’m ready to have my bed back.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Cost of gas to get to Georgia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00

Lunch on the way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17.00

Number of times "are we there yet?" is heard . . . 10 +

Hotel, massage & a night alone with Marty. . . . . PRICELESS

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

7 years ago this Saturday

Monday, June 11, 2007

Hole in one

Abby chose putt-putt for family night last night and we had a blast. Everyone except for Marty got a hole in one. Yes, you read that right. Everyone except for Marty. Sorry babe. That includes Abby and Andrew. Mine was talent (yeah right) but the kids’ was purely luck. Andrew was the first to get a hole in one. We were playing a hole that you pick the left or the right hole and either the ball goes down one level or it goes all the way down to the green. Andrew hit it into the right hole (all you had to do was barely tap the ball and it would go down hill right into the hole. Once we get to the bottom green, we couldn’t find Andrew’s ball. We looked all around in the grass and the woods. We weren’t even thinking to look in the hole. But that’s where it was, sitting pretty in the bottom of the hole. Abby’s hole in one came a few holes later. Abby approached the hole in typical Abby fashion and whacks the ball. It bounced off one rock, bounced off another rock, skipped over the water and rolled right into the hole. Marty and I were ducking the whole time because we thought we were going to get hit by the spastic ball. There was a group in front of us that saw the whole thing and they all cheered for her. She was so proud of herself. Another successful family night.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Happy Day!

Jason Aldean, Sara Evans, Little Big Town, Montgomery Gentry, Sugarland, & Carrie Underwood
That’s who all we are seeing tonight and I can’t wait. We have a songwriter friend (the couple that we swap babysitting with) that has weekend passes to the CMA Music Festival but he can’t use them so he gave them to us. They called this morning to say that we can have the passes if we want them, um yeah. They just had their third baby last week so we weren’t going to ask them to watch the kids but luckily some other friends said they would help us out. I love Little Big Town and Carrie Underwood, what a great treat. Are you jealous?!?

Wednesday, June 06, 2007