Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My poor Punky

Abby has the worst luck with teeth. In her short 6 years she has had a filling, a crown, a root canal, a molar pulled and now 2 more teeth pulled. Her baby teeth didn't fall out when her permenant teeth came in so she had 2 sets of bottom teeth. Not quite the way it is suppossed to be. We waited for her baby teeth to become loose but a month into it we took her to the dentist and they decided to pull them. So poor punky had the first day of school and 2 teeth pulled all on the same day. I know, I'm such a bad mom.

As a side note, we had to take Andrew to the ER last night because his asthma was flairing up. He has had a cough for a week or so and it became really bad Sunday into Monday. After a lung x-ray it was determind that he has bronchiolitis. He is on steroids and breathing treatments every 4 hours. My poor babies.

On a side side note, Andrew starts a new preschool tomorrow. He was suppossed to start yesterday but we decided not to send him. He is going to a totally different church and he will be going 3 days a week now. I love his old teacher and am very sad that he won't be in her class or that he won't be in class with Autumn but we thought this would be better for him in the long run. I'm sure he will cry tomorrow (me too)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Birthday Party and First day of 1st Grade

What a fun and busy weekend. It was the perfect last weekend before school started. James and Jeannie came up for Abby’s birthday and were able to stay for her birthday party. The party was so much fun. We had it at Pump it Up thankfully because 25 of her friends came. I am not doing a party at home ever again. It was perfect timing because it was one last hoorah before school and all of her old classmates were able to enjoy one last party together before being split into other classes. Abby even got Jeannie to go down the big slide. I told Jeannie that I was going to post pictures so she has at least been warned.
Well, today was Abby’s first day of first grade. How did that happen? We met Abby’s teacher last week and I really like her. She is young and seems really nice. I think she will be a good match for Abby. We also found out that 3 of her friends from last year are in her class again. They did split up the 4 musketeers though. Abby became best friends with Emma, Mclain and Brooke. Emma and Brooke and in class together and Abby and Mclain are in the same class. Ok, drumroll please . . .

There were no tears!!! No tears from me or Abby!!! What a great way to start the school year. I was so proud of her. We saw her Kindergarten teacher so I think that helped a lot. Lots and lota of pictures!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Happy Birthday to my sweet, beautiful babydoll. I love you Abby. Happy 6th birthday.

Monday, August 11, 2008

The newest member of our family

Let me introduce you to Rose (named by Abby). Her real name is Princess Rose but with a Prince already in the house we thought it might get a little confusing. So does that make me and Marty the King and Queen since we now have a Prince and Princess? She is adorable and so sweet. She will let Abby and Andrew drag her around and when she has had enough she will escape to our bed. But that doesn't stop the kids from crawling under the bed and dragging her back out. Prince is tolerating her well enough, in fact it's been much better than I had expected. Prince just pretty much ignores her. He is on a food strike though. That's his way of pouting. She did climb up on our bed last night but as soon as one of us moved, off she went. Prince was already under the covers and fast asleep so he didn't know she was there. Now that will be the true test as to how much he likes her. I think once they warm up to each other they will have a good time together.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I'm back. . .

...with pictures from the beach. We went to Florida with some friends the week of July 4th. The weather was perfect and we had a great time. We fished, played and swam. We were also lucky enough to see some of our close friends (Stacey and John) that moved back to Florida in March. Allie was in Andrew's class and it was so fun seeing them together again.

Abby and Andrew July 2008Abby jumping into the pool. Notice no floatie. She can swim on her own now.
I can do it too. Yes, that's Andrew flying through the air.Andrew and Allie. Whatcha doing?All the kids buried Marty, what a great daddyLots and lots of sea shells, Abby's favorite past-timeAndrew on the boogie board. This was his favorite past-time.boogie board again. Big smiles.Abby, the flamingo. I have no idea what she was doingAndrew and Autumn Andrew building a sand castleThe fish that Abby caught with a Barbie fising rod. Papa would be proudYou looking at me. I had to include this picture because I love the lobster shirt.My beautiful girl. And she doesn't even know it. Abby playing with sparklers on the beach
We watched the fireworks on the beach going off over the ocean. Beautiful.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

They do like each other

Since yesterday was Abby’s last day of school and it is officially summer, we decided to let the kids have a “sleep over” in Abby’s room. Basically, Andrew slept in Abby’s bed. We did have to go up last night once to tell them to go to sleep and stop talking. Well, to tell Andrew to stop talking. Abby told us that she was trying to go to sleep (which I believe) and Andrew would keep calling her name. It’s amazing that this is the same kid I was concerned about his lack of talking not too long ago. It was so sweet hearing them in the monitor waking up together this morning, never mind the fact that it was at 6:02. They laughed and talked for a good hour. There was no fighting and it was so darn cute hearing their conversations. It’s moments like that that keep me sane from all the fighting.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Last Day

Today was (she got out at 10:30) Abby’s last day of Kindergarten. Sniff, Sniff! She told me this morning that she didn’t want to be a first grader because she is going to miss Ms. Harris. Honestly, I am too. She had such a great year with a great class and an even better teacher. I couldn’t have dreamed of a more perfect school year for Abby. It was a great way to start her school career.
Yesterday they had an end of school year pool party, one last hoorah before summer. Poor kiddos, they wanted to swim and play so bad but it was just so cold. They would get in for a few minutes until they couldn’t stand the teeth chattering anymore. They had a blast though.
I can’t believe I am the mom of a first grader. How did that happen?
The 4 musketeers

Abby and Ms. Harris

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Field Day 2008

I have such fond memories of field day and I'm pretty sure Abby will too. Her first field day was a hit. They did fun things like water balloon toss and sack races. She did a great job and we realized that she is very atheletic, must be that she is so short and has a low center of gravity. I am really sad that this school year is coming to an end because Abby has made such good friends. I wish they could all be in the same class next year. She has totally blossomed this past year and I am so proud of her.

I guess they got a little bored while waiting for their turn

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Friday, May 09, 2008

Celebration of the Arts

Last night at Abby’s school they had a Celebration of the Arts after the annual PTO meeting. Each “art”, i.e. Spanish, Band, PE etc., got to do a small presentation. The Kindergarten class presented Spanish and I was amazed at the things they have learned this year. They sang a couple of songs (B-I-B-L-E, That’s the Book for Me, Jesus Love Me, London Bridge) all in Spanish. They also counted to 20, named all the colors, and named 10 or so animals. I can’t believe how smart they all are. There was also a silent auction for the class canvas and for a rocking chair that the whole K-5 class signed. There were many items but those were the only 2 that Abby contributed to. I did get a lot of ideas for crafts to do with the kids though, Christmas presents maybe. I didn’t win anything but I also didn’t bid on anything either. One of the other moms really wanted the canvas so we made a deal that she could win it if we got all the girls (there is a group of 4 girls that are really good friends) together one weekend so we could get them to do more canvas’ for each of the other moms. The whole night was a lot of fun.
Abby and Brooke
This is what the kids did during the PTO meeting
Brooke making a silly face The K-5 rocking chair Abby's name on the rocking chair

Abby's art work on display in the "gallery"