Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Pics

I hope everyone had a great Easter, we did!! We had a very relaxing day and it was perfect. The Easter service at church was awesome, just what you would want an Easter service to be.
Our day started early with Abby getting up at 7:00 and both kids eating ring pops out of their Easter baskets by 7:45. I let them stuff themselves silly with candy Sunday morning. I figured their Sunday School teachers could deal with the tummy aches. This was after the homemade cinnamon rolls that we had for breakfast. Can you say sugar high? Saturday I made homemade cinnamon rolls (dough from scratch and everything) and gave a few pans out to our friends and neighbors. They made 7 pans and I was NOT going to have that many pans of yummy cinnamon rolls in my house. We had a egg hunt after lunch and it was so much fun. Marty and I hid eggs for the kids in the front yard and the kids hid the eggs for us in the back yard. All and all it was a perfect Easter.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy Easter

Sorry, I thought it was funny

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The newest member

Last week Marty had band practice and our babysitter fell through so Andrew got to tag along with daddy. I was worried about him going at first because it can get pretty loud in the tiny room but he did great and wore the earplugs without a fight. When Marty first told him that they were going to go practice, Andrew went right upstairs and got his guitar. You can’t go to band practice without your guitar now can you? Marty said that at one point they were practicing a song and all quit playing, then they heard this tiny guitar that was horribly out of tune. Andrew was playing along with them and I guess didn’t get the word that it was time to stop. So cute, he was rockin’. It was such a fun time for Andrew and he still talks about it.
Jami took the pictures with his camera phone so they aren’t the best quality.

He got to try his hand at the electric drums also.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

This is snow!

Well, it snowed and it was beautiful and the kids had a blast. We had a snow drift on our patio that measured about 7 inches but I think the more accurate totals would be 4-5 inches. It wasn’t great snow for snowman building but it was perfect for sledding. And we all did some sledding. We went to our friends’ house in the neighborhood since we don’t have a hill in sight of our house and we had so much fun with them. It was how I remember snow days being when I was a kid; staying outside playing until you can no longer feel your fingers and toes. Andrew was the first to throw in the towel. After about 30 minutes he came to me crying “mommy I’m really cold” Marty and I were prepared for the snow since we have our ski gear so we were nice and toasty but we did the best we could for the kids although I know they were a lot colder than we were. Andrew was even wearing a pair of Abby’s tights to keep his little legs warm. It was so cute, we kept telling the kids while we were getting ready that we were going sledding. I know neither one of them knew what we were talking about because we have never had enough snow for sledding. But on the way home, Andrew said to me, “mommy, we didn’t go sleighing with Santa” I guess he thought we were going sleighing not sledding. Sleighing with Santa would have been fun too.
I hope you enjoy the pictures. I do have a few videos to put up but we can’t find the software for our video camera, so check back in a few days.

Yes, that's a air mattress they are riding on

Friday, March 07, 2008

Stinkin' snow!

I can’t believe I’m saying that because normally I love the snow but why do we have to get 4-6 inches of snow THIS weekend. I never get to see Marty play, I’ve been able to see him play twice since we’ve been here, and I was actually going to be able to go tonight. A few of the girls from our clogging team are coming up for one last hurrah before one gets married next week and we were all going to go to Marty’s show tonight. I was so excited. One because I actually get to go out but mainly because I get to see the girls. Now they are saying that
we are to get 4-6 inches of snow starting tonight.
Another reason why I’m so bummed is because I was looking forward to going to a consignment sale tomorrow morning. Yes, I know I’m such a dork. This sale is huge and they have such great things, even Gymboree clothes still with the tags on. My sale will probably be cancelled tomorrow and I won’t be able to go Monday.
Snow, snow go away. Come again NEXT YEAR! I’m ready for Spring!
I'll post pictures next week of the beautiful snow and my kids having a blast in it.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Books, books and more books

Well, Abby can officially graduate from Kindergarten but she can’t go to 1st grade yet. What are you talking about you ask? Abby has to read 20 books before she can graduate from Kindergarten but 40 before she can go to 1st grade. We just finished book # 20, phew! Abby brings home a book (the Steck-Vaughn Phonics Readers) and she reads it to us and then has to do a journal entry for each book. She then reads it to her teacher at school and gets another book. Yes, she’s only in Kindergarten. We have to keep each book for 2 nights so that’s about 3 books a week At that rate we can finish the remaining 20 but I tell ya, this stuff is stressful. I do have to brag though because she really is doing a great job reading. Now if she could just get the shoe tying thing done then we would really be doing good.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Monday, March 03, 2008

Tiny tot

I guess this is going to be the story of Abby’s life. On Friday, Abby and a few girls from her class went to Build A Bear after their field trip to Rainforest CafĂ©, and looking at the pictures I realized just how short Abby really is. Granted these girls are about 6-8 months older than Abby but I’m pretty sure that in 6-8 months Abby still won’t be as tall as they are now. The funny thing is that she doesn’t even notice it.