Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007


I saw this on another blog that I read and had to include it because it speaks volumes and we could all learn something from this incredible man.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Day 1, Night 1

Well, Day 1 was ok, night 1 was even better. Yesterday was Andrew’s first day in his big boy bed and he decided that he didn’t need to take a nap; I hope that’s not a trend he continues. I will give him credit though because he did stay in his room (that was one of my fears) but he didn’t even think about closing his eyes and going to sleep. When we went to get him up from his “nap” we noticed that all of his books were in bed with him. He was reading. Sneaky boy, we didn’t hear him walking at all. We did hear a bunch of loud bangs though, that should have clued us in. Night time was better, it could have been that he was dead dog tired because of the no nap thing, but he went right to sleep and didn’t give us any trouble at all. I am totally jinxing myself I know.
Abby loves her big bed too. Her expression was priceless when she saw her bed. She picked out her quilt but she had no idea that she was getting new furniture. Marty and I wanted to surprise her and it was so worth it. The silly girl was most excited about the fact that her animals now have a pillow of their own to sleep on.
I will post pictures when Andrew’s quilt comes in, their rooms are adorable!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Big changes ahead

Tonight marks a very sad milestone for our little family. Tonight will be Andrew’s last night in his crib. We have had that crib up for 5 and half years. He is so ready so I know he won’t have a problem, it’s me that I’m worried about. Andrew has been asking for a while for a big bed like Abby’s so I am confident that he is more than ready. Our friends and neighbors are expecting their second child so they are going to use Andrew’s crib and changing table so at least I can go visit it anytime I want to. I’m sure there will be tears (mine) tonight when I put him to bed. My babies are growing up way too fast.
On a side note though, Abby and Andrew are both getting new furniture tomorrow. Abby is getting a full bed and Andrew is getting a twin bed. Long story as to why we aren’t using Abby’s bed but this will work out better in the long run. I am taking tomorrow off of work so we can get their rooms put together before both of them get home from school. It should be fun.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Notice anything different?

No, they haven’t started making trendy diapers (although that is an idea) Yes, Andrew is wearing big boy undies. Marty and I have to watch ourselves because we have been talking about panties with Abby for so long now that it’s hard to transition to boy talk. And I don’t want Andrew calling his underwear panties.
Anyway, we are attempting to get Andrew into undies during the day and so far he’s done really good. He went 2 days in them with no accidents but he refuses to go to the potty while we are out. He will not go in a public restroom. Now, I know some are not the prettiest but come on boy; you will have to go at some point. We have tried everywhere, the grocery store, his school, Mc Donald’s, Home Depot, Sam’s; you name it and he won’t go. I’m not sure what this means but I know it can’t be good for the potty training attempt.
So, now I’m not sure if I am going to cry tears of joy (diapers are expensive, ya know) or tears of sadness. My baby can not be ready to wear big boy undies.
I jumped the gun a little too early. He had his first accident and has decided that he wants back in his pull-ups. Again, I don't know if I should cry tears of joy or tears of sadness.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Where is Fall?

I guess Mother Nature must be running a little late this year because it sure doesn’t seem like fall. Today it is going to be a high of 92. Yes, you read that right 92.
How can it be possible that on October 8th, it is 92 degrees? Don’t get me wrong, I love spring and summer; in fact it’s my favorite time of the year. But, I’m ready to move on to long sleeves, cool nights, fires and all things winter. Honestly, I’m just getting tired of my warm weather wardrobe. Pull out the cozy fleece.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007