Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Cute quotes heard around the house. . .Part 2

The other day Andrew had a boo-boo on his foot so he asked for a boo-boo aid instead of a bandaid. I had never thought of it, but I guess it should be a boo-boo aid, that's what it's helping afterall.

We have been talking alot about babies in our house since Shelly is pregnant. So yesterday morning Abby woke up and came downstairs and told me that Biggie spit up in her bed because her baby in her tummy kicked too hard. Biggie (nice name huh) is a penguin from a McDonald's happy meal that Abby insists is pregnant. So yesterady afternoon, I asked Abby if Biggie had had her baby yet and Abby looked at me like I had 2 heads. She said "No mommy, Biggie can't have her baby yet, she's not married. She has to get her wedding dress, pick out her flowers and get a husband first" I guess Biggie is just pregnant but can't have her baby until she gets married. Since Biggie looks about 8 months pregnant already, she better get on the hunt.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Fun on the farm

This weekend I took the kids to my sister's husbands family reunion (did you get all that) in Kentucky. The reunion was on a farm that had cows, horses, geese, mules and lots of kitties. The kids had a blast and Abby has asked constantly since then if we can take Daddy to the farm, Marty had a show in Alabama so he had to miss all the fun. Abby's favorite part was riding Clay and Andrew's was most defintly not riding Clay. His was probably the 3 cookies that I let him have. Needless to say the kids were pretty tuckered out (and straight up nasty dirty) after the fun day on the farm. Enjoy the pictures.

Abby petting Poco
Her favorite horsey, Clay

Nice horsey
Maybe not
This is more Andrew's style

Thursday, July 26, 2007

The little things make me happy

So, last night I printed out pictures of 5 different backpack that I thought Abby might like. I even printed out ones that I didn't really like but I though she might. I already knew which one I liked best but I was going to let Abby choose for herself (I'm really trying). I put the pictures in front of her and she instantly chose the one that I liked, she made my day. I'm sure you can tell why I liked it, I love pink and brown.

I think this is it

Ok, thanks for bearing with me. I think this might finally be it, but who knows, there's always tomorrow. I can't take all the credit though (I'm just not that creative) After searching on the internet and seeing what I liked, this is what I came up with. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

One year ago

One year ago today we moved into our house. I can’t believe it. Some days it feels shorter and some days it feels longer, but hey we have survived. Not just survived, we have done pretty well.
Marty and I had to laugh because we closed on our house in GA on July 21st and where were we one year later, yep we were in GA. We moved up here to TN on July 22nd, although we had no place to move into, and closed on our house on July 24th. We drove home from the wedding on the 22nd, yes one year exactly from the day we moved. In fact, we even stopped at the same McDonald’s on top of Monteagle that Marty and his group stopped at. It has been a great year full of many ups and a few downs along the way but I wouldn’t change it for anything. Although Nashville isn’t “home” I can’t complain. I promise to take pictures this week of the inside of the house so you can see everything we have accomplished in the past year.
Thank you to everyone who has helped us transition into this stage of our life. We would not have survived if it hadn’t been for you.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Good times

One of our old clogging team members got married over the weekend and we had such a good time. You would have never known that 2 and a half years have passed and none of us dance anymore. We slipped right back into friendships and fun times. We even pulled off a clogging dance complete with bride front and center hiking up her dress to dance (I vaguely remember doing that 7 years ago). I love that the kids were able to see a glimpse into what mommy and daddy used to do. Abby was sitting on the side cheering “Go mommy, Go Daddy” It made me a little sad because clogging was such a huge part of our lives and I wish the kids could have been part of it too. Abby has been to many competitions but doesn’t remember them and we quit before Andrew was born. Hopefully one day we can get the kids into it because some of my most treasured memories came from the group that we hung out with this weekend.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I'm not there yet, but I'm gettting closer.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Work with me

I'm trying to make my blog more me, but I am not well versed in html or graphic design. So bear with me, there might be many changes in the near future.

Pee Pee on the potty

We are by no means full on potty training Andrew but yesterday he went pee pee on the potty 3 times and a few times the days before also. YIPPEE!! Personally I’m not ready for him to be out of diapers but I’m not going to tell him no when he asks to sit on the potty either. Although, it’s not like he really wants to use the potty he just wants the M&M’s he gets for going. He’s so funny I’ll tell him that he will get a M&M if he goes and he will say “Mommy, MNM (that’s how he says it) first then potty” Sorry buddy that’s not how it works. Abby is all about training him though; she will ask him every few minutes if he needs to sit on the potty. He usually says no but on the rare occasion he says yes, she will take off his diaper and put him on the potty. I don’t know what her obsession with Andrew’s bathroom habits are.
At least it’s a start, we’ll see if he keeps it up. My baby can’t be big enough to be out of diapers. WAAA!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Great surprise

Ok, I just have to share. Marty and I have a wedding to go to next weekend and I had nothing to wear (ok, I probably could have found something) so we went shopping over the weekend. We looked at Macy’s, Dillards and finally ended up at Parisian. I tried on hundreds, it seemed like hundreds, of dresses and I just didn’t feel great in any of them. I try on one at Parisians that I just literally pulled off the rack becsaue I was finding nothing. Well, it ended up being the one that we liked the best. The only problem is that they didn’t have it in my size. The tag said that it was $128.00 but they were having a sale so the price came to $94.00, but the sale ended the next day. They said that they could order one for me from another store. I told them don’t worry I will just get it from their website. Well, their website stinks and you can’t buy anything. We decided to just bite the bullet and buy it, I liked it that much. I call the store and get it ordered. The dress came today and Marty called me to ask if I knew how much they charged me. No, I didn’t ask. I just assumed it was the same price. Well, with the $8.00 shipping from Alabama the total was $42.87. WooHoo! What a great surprise.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I didn't know grown-ups cry

Poor Abby, we had a bad night last night and after going around and around we finally just sent her to bed. I yelled a little too much and a little too loud and felt terrible for it. I was sitting at the top of the stairs crying from frustration at the situation and guilt. Abby came out of her room and saw me and Marty sitting there; she quietly closed her door and climbed back in bed. A few minutes later she called me in her room to tell me she was sorry and that she didn’t know grown ups cry. Yes honey grown ups cry, often. I had to once again tell her that I was also sorry, wow I feel like I have had to do that a lot lately. I’m glad today is a new day.

Monday, July 02, 2007

My babies the fish

I am so proud of my babies, they have turned into quite the little swimmers. We go swimming often at Applebee’s. What you ask? There is a local hotel here that has a Applebee’s attached to it that we frequent often, hey Tuesday night kids eat free (and it come with an ice cream sundae) One night after eating we went wandering through the hotel and found an awesome indoor pool. It’s huge with a hot tub as an added bonus. Marty went to the front desk to ask if they had any sort of membership (believe it or not but many of the hotels do that around here) and they said no, but just come and swim anyway. Twist my arm, the kids get to swim and I don’t have to put sunscreen on them. What could be better?!?
At the beginning of the summer Abby was very hesitant about going under water. She has never liked getting water in her eyes. So we decided to use the best teaching tactic, praise the younger brother. You can throw Andrew in the water and he comes up laughing. He wears arm floaties and does such a great job “swimming” He will get out and jump in all by himself. Well, Abby was not going to be out done by her little brother. We bought her goggles so water won’t get in her eyes and she hasn’t turned back since. Once she realized that Andrew was getting such a hip hip hooray for going under, well she wanted to do it too. She will now jump in with or without her goggles, touch the bottom of the pool (well as far as her float will allow her) and bounce back up. I am so proud. She still has to hold her nose though, baby steps.
Andrew just cracks me up; he couldn’t care less if water gets in his eyes. He will put his little head in the water and kick and kick. Poor thing goes backwards half the time. Last night we noticed that he swims underwater with his eyes open, not a care in the world.
It is so nice going to the pool knowing that the kids are going to have fun. The plus to that is that they also wear themselves out in all the fun. Double bonus.
I promise I will get video one day.