Monday, August 18, 2008

Birthday Party and First day of 1st Grade

What a fun and busy weekend. It was the perfect last weekend before school started. James and Jeannie came up for Abby’s birthday and were able to stay for her birthday party. The party was so much fun. We had it at Pump it Up thankfully because 25 of her friends came. I am not doing a party at home ever again. It was perfect timing because it was one last hoorah before school and all of her old classmates were able to enjoy one last party together before being split into other classes. Abby even got Jeannie to go down the big slide. I told Jeannie that I was going to post pictures so she has at least been warned.
Well, today was Abby’s first day of first grade. How did that happen? We met Abby’s teacher last week and I really like her. She is young and seems really nice. I think she will be a good match for Abby. We also found out that 3 of her friends from last year are in her class again. They did split up the 4 musketeers though. Abby became best friends with Emma, Mclain and Brooke. Emma and Brooke and in class together and Abby and Mclain are in the same class. Ok, drumroll please . . .

There were no tears!!! No tears from me or Abby!!! What a great way to start the school year. I was so proud of her. We saw her Kindergarten teacher so I think that helped a lot. Lots and lota of pictures!!!

1 comment:

keri said...

looks like a fun party!! 25 kids!? WOW!! the cake is so cute. our girls are growing up too quick.

and you got a CAT!?! you know rusty and i are allergic to cats...that might put a damper on our next visit!!