Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My poor Punky

Abby has the worst luck with teeth. In her short 6 years she has had a filling, a crown, a root canal, a molar pulled and now 2 more teeth pulled. Her baby teeth didn't fall out when her permenant teeth came in so she had 2 sets of bottom teeth. Not quite the way it is suppossed to be. We waited for her baby teeth to become loose but a month into it we took her to the dentist and they decided to pull them. So poor punky had the first day of school and 2 teeth pulled all on the same day. I know, I'm such a bad mom.

As a side note, we had to take Andrew to the ER last night because his asthma was flairing up. He has had a cough for a week or so and it became really bad Sunday into Monday. After a lung x-ray it was determind that he has bronchiolitis. He is on steroids and breathing treatments every 4 hours. My poor babies.

On a side side note, Andrew starts a new preschool tomorrow. He was suppossed to start yesterday but we decided not to send him. He is going to a totally different church and he will be going 3 days a week now. I love his old teacher and am very sad that he won't be in her class or that he won't be in class with Autumn but we thought this would be better for him in the long run. I'm sure he will cry tomorrow (me too)

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